Our team of patent attorneys, korean lawyers, international lawyers,
enterprise value evaluators and technology transfer agents work with our clients
to resolve many different intellectual property problems.


Korean Patent Attorney
Practice Areas
Trial / Litigation Technology Assessment Licensing
Contact / 070-4619-3737
DANIEL KIM Korean Patent Attorney


Daniel Kim is the head patent attorney of Kasan IP. He specializes in trials/litigations, technology value evaluation, IP management program development and IP training on software and telecommunication areas for Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology and Samsung SW Center. In 2003, he had contributed to the growth of the IP team at POSCO, conducting a year-long professional training program for the POSCO IP team. He is a warm, loving teammate who thinks of his colleagues as family, sincerely delighted by family events such as weddings and childbirth of his colleagues. His good-natured smile and manners of a gentleman are a valuable addition to the team spirit, whereas his positive attitude and perseverance make him a model colleague.


  • - 2011, Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Business (M.S., Global Technology Management)
  • - 2001, Yonsei University, Graduate School of Engineering (M.E., Telecommunications)
  • - 1994, Kyungpook National University, B.S., Electronics Engineering


  • Current, Partner, Kasan
  • Current, Korea Technology Guaranteed Fund (Expert Advisor)
  • Current, Court of Law, Intellectual Property (Special Examination Commissioner, Science and Technology)
  • 1999, Nam & Nam Patent Law Firm (Korean Patent attorney, Electronics)
  • 1994, Koreana Patent Law Firm (Korean Patent attorney, Electronics)
  • 1993, Passed 30th Korean Patent Bar Examination (Youngest Member)



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